internal ID number                      6172
transmission ID number                  9666
transmission IMEI number                ******
transmission type                       IRIDIUM
instrument type                         
IRIDIUM program number                  n/a
WMO ID number                           5904662
WMO instrument type (table 1770)        846
WMO recorder type (table 4770)          64
start time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]       28 12 2015 15 20
status of start time                    as estimated
launch time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]      28 12 2015 15 20
status of launch time                   as estimated
launch position [lat latm lon lonm]     -54 -15.7 -89 -15.2
status of launch position               as estimated
delay of first down time [hours]        0.0
down time [days]                        -999.
up time [hours]                         -999.
transmission repetition rate [sec]      -999.
clock drift [hours/hours]               0.
last cycle                              n/a
calib eq 1 for salinity                 sslope*cnts+soff
calib coef for salinity                 SSLOPE=0.001; SOFF=0.0;
calib eq 1 for temperature              tslope*cnts+toff
calib coef for temperature              TSLOPE=0.001; TOFF=0.0;
calib eq 1 for pressure                 pslope*cnts+poff
calib coef for pressure                 PSLOPE=0.1; POFF=0.0;
calib eq 1 for oxygen                   o2=[1 d d^2 d^3 d^4 d^5]*c*[1 T2 T2^2 T2^3 T2^4 T2^5]'
calib coef for O2 matrix                c00=3.816713E+03; c01=-4.475507E+01; c02=4.386162E-01; c03=-7.146342E-03; c04=8.906234E-05; c05=-6.343012E-07;
calib coef for O2 matrix                c10=-3.032937E+02; c11=2.530496E+00; c12=-1.267045E-02; c13=1.040454E-04; c14=-3.560390E-07; c15=0.000000E+00;
calib coef for O2 matrix                c20=1.040158E+01; c21=-5.986907E-02; c22=1.360425E-04; c23=-4.776977E-07; c24=0.000000E+00; c25=0.000000E+00;
calib coef for O2 matrix                c30=-1.857173E-01; c31=6.784399E-04; c32=-5.597908E-07; c33=0.000000E+00; c34=0.000000E+00; c35=0.000000E+00;
calib coef for O2 matrix                c40=1.684659E-03; c41=-2.988314E-06; c42=0.000000E+00; c43=0.000000E+00; c44=0.000000E+00; c45=0.000000E+00;
calib coef for O2 matrix                c50=-6.137785E-06; c51=0.000000E+00; c52=0.000000E+00; c53=0.000000E+00; c54=0.000000E+00; c55=0.000000E+00;
calib eq   for DPhase                   DPhase = p0 + p1*(TPhase  + p2*(TPhase  + p3*TPhase))
calib coef for DPhase                   p0=7.500000E-02; p1=1.000000E+00; p2=0.000000E+00; p3=0.000000E+00;
calib eq 1 for voltage                  vslope*cnts+voff
calib coef for voltage                  VSLOPE=0.0771; VOFF=0.5326
calib eq 1 for vacuum                   vacslope*cnts+vacoff
calib coef for vacuum                   VACSLOPE=0.1417; VACOFF=-0.04758
calib eq 1 for current                  islope*cnts+ioff
calib coef for current                  ISLOPE=4.0331; IOFF=-7.6898
conductivity calibration date           09 12 2014
temperature calibration date            09 12 2014
pressure calibration date               05 12 2014
float manufacturer                      Teledyne Webb Research
float serial number                     7293
Project name                            UW, SOCCOM, Argo equivalent
PI                                      Stephen Riser
principal investigator address          UW, Seattle
originating country                     USA
float deployer                          n/a
float deployer address                  n/a
deployment type                         R/V
deployment platform                     Nathaniel Palmer
deployment cruise id                    NBP15-11
profile at deployment                   n/a
nominal drift pressure [dbar]           1000
cycles for drift pressure               1
nominal profile pressure [dbar]         2020
cycles for profile pressure             1
Profile Sampling Method                 mixed [deep: discrete, shallow:continuous]
pump type                               260ml
conductivity sensor type                SBE41CP
conductivity sensor manufacturer        SBE
conductivity sensor serial number       6726
temperature sensor type                 SBE41CP
temperature sensor manufacturer         SBE
temperature sensor serial number        6726
pressure sensor type                    2900 PSIA
pressure sensor manufacturer            DRUCK
pressure sensor serial number           3986562
oxygen sensor manufacturer              Aanderaa
oxygen sensor type                      4330
oxygen sensor height [m]                0.15
oxygen sensor serial number             1908
nitrate sensor manufacturer             Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
nitrate sensor type                     ISUS
nitrate sensor serial number            0701
ph sensor manufacturer                  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
ph sensor type                          DURA
ph sensor serial number                 0701
battery type                            Lithium
initial battery voltage [volt]          15.1
ROM version                             080913
Board serial number                     9666
Board version                           APF9
comment                                 Apf9iSbe41cpOptodeIsusPhFlbbIce